Prevention of Trafficking of Human Beings through Audio-visual life-skills kits

Objectives: The project aims at raising the information level and understanding on the issue of human trafficking in general, and on the root causes of the problem. It provides life skills and information about the relevant services and institutions working on the issue of trafficking and with its victims. In this way, while raising the awareness, the project helps victims of trafficking to improve their life skills for more successful re-integration in society.

The main beneficiaries are actual and potential victims of trafficking, as well as the public in general. This includes school children, those placed in specific institutions for child care, employers and different specialists working in the sphere of social protection, police and media representatives.

Implementation Body: CARE Bulgaria with several partners:

AgitProp Production Company – covering the audio-visual production and media, British Council – covering the education and publicity; Social Services Bulgaria - social services and work with victims for their re-integration.

Duration: March - December 2006.

Project Activities:

Production of life-skills audio-visual modules
The program is structured in 5 short films, grouped in two types: 5 individual short episodes (each 10 minutes long) presented separately and one combined block (50 min. long). The themes are ranging from educational approach, authorities-resenting point of view, to real protagonists or show case reconstruction.
Life-skills worksheets

The worksheets follow each of the 5 visual short films. They include detailed information about: the root-causes of the problem, trafficking in general, the potential and actual victims, the attitudes towards such people, the trauma and experience they go through, the needed and the existing services for the victims, different solutions and life-skills that could help the victims to re-integrate more easily the society, as well as protect people at risk to becoming victims of trafficking. Another goal is to raise awareness in the society about the problem, through educational and interactive materials. The information also targets potential "users" of victims (in the sense of sexual exploitation).

Results: Audio-visual life-skills kits, including: 1. Five anti-trafficking, life-skills oriented short films; 2. Life-skills, trafficking prevention worksheets comprising of five separate parts.

The role of ISS-Bulgaria - ensure the access to a target group, provide consultation for the preparation of the visual materials and worksheets and assist for their dissemination. The ISS specialists are engaged during the visual life-skills kits pilot and evaluation phase in the various ISS centers throughout the country.

Financing - Subcontract with CARE for 1300 Euro